What would you do in a boating emergency?

Home»Boating News»What would you do in a boating emergency?
Survey says over half of boat owners don’t know what to do in an emergency!


The new boating lifestyle website YachtAndBoat.com.au has commenced a 3 month opinion poll for Australian Boaters focusing on public attitudes towards boating safety.

The opinion poll will run in conjunction with the National Marine Safety Committees Boating Usage Study with the intention of revealing further data on how to improve boating safety across all states and territories.

On average, 48 Australians die in boating accidents every year and surprisingly, most incidents occur in calm seas. The fact that already 56% of Yacht and Boat survey respondents say they would not know what to do in an emergency situation may shed some light on this alarming statistic.

In its opening 2 weeks the survey has also revealed that over 70% of respondents don’t know the current boating safety requirements in their State with a staggering 97% calling for compulsory boating safety training, most feeling that the current standards are inadequate.

The Yacht and Boat National Survey will appear on the web site until September 08 and is requesting further respondents.   Survey results will be supplied to The National Marine Safety Committee and considered alongside their own statistics allowing them to develop marine and boating policies that save lives.

Visit https://www.yachtandboat.com.au/page/vote_now.html

About YachtAndBoat.com.au
Independently owned and catering to the entire Australian boating and marine market with national information, resources and services such as classifieds, licensing and registration information, safety information and equipment, competitions, recipes and an online store supporting Australian innovation, with many of the products featuring on the ABC’s The New Inventors program.

“By delivering relevant information in a logical, easily accessible format; we intend to introduce more people into the boating community whilst cultivating a safer and more enjoyable environment for all Australians on the water.”