NSW Maritime moves into eco-friendly office

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 NSW Maritime moves to eco-friendly office

NSW Maritime’s Narooma recreational boating customer service centre is on the move.

South Coast regional manager Craig Whitmore said the customer service centre will move into a new joint facility with National Parks and Wildlife Service and Marine Parks Authority personnel on Thursday 26 February.

“Our new address is 9 Burrawang Street, Narooma and our new contact number is 02 4476 2364,” Mr Whitmore said.

“The new joint agency facility, which was supported by a $259,000 NSW Climate Change grant, incorporates some great sustainable design elements.

“The building uses 75 per cent less energy than an equivalent size conventional office building, with optimum use made of natural lighting and rainwater harvested to flush toilets.

“We’ll be business-ready on Thursday and we’re looking forward to continuing to serve the recreational boaters of the South Coast from our great new office.”

For more information, visit www.maritime.nsw.gov.au