Operation Lights On Critical boating safety requirements

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Operation Lights On
NSW Maritime boating safety officers will be out on the Hawkesbury/Broken Bay waters on the weekend of 28 February-1 March making sure all vessels have the correct, working navigation lights.
Hawkesbury/Broken Bay regional manager Steve Black said all skippers should make sure their navigation lights are in good working order and they’re switched on at night.
“These are critical boating safety requirements,” Mr Black said.
“Proper navigation lights are essential – when night falls, it’s a completely different world on the water and boats must display the correct lights.
“You may be able to see other vessels but can you be sure they can see you? At night, every vessel on the water needs lights so they can be seen.
“Make sure you have the appropriate navigation lights for your craft and they are displaying the correct arc of visibility. As soon as the sun goes down, or when visibility is poor, slow down and turn your lights on.
“If you are unsure about the correct lighting for your boat, ask a NSW Maritime boating safety officer, call our infoline on 13 12 56 or go to www.maritime.nsw.gov.au.  
“Personal watercraft operators are also reminded it is an offence to operate after sunset and before sunrise.
“When you’re boating at night there are four simple things to remember – go slow, be seen, keep a lookout and be bright.”