Maritime Safety Alert For Harbour Regatta

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Sydney will be a “city of sails” this weekend with 300 sailboats contesting the annual Audi Sydney Harbour Regatta.
NSW Maritime Chief Executive Steve Dunn said the regatta was a celebration of sailing that would see racing across much of the main harbour.
“Many of the major sailing clubs of Sydney are collaborating in this event and it will involve more than 2000 sailors in 300 sailboats over two days,” Mr Dunn said.
“Maritime reminds all competitors and non-competitors of their responsibilities for safety afloat on a busy harbour.
“The sailing clubs do a wonderful job in promoting safe and responsible boating but this weekend will require extra care from all involved.
“Every skipper, of every vessel – both racing and non-racing – must observe the rules and regulations for safe navigation.”
Some of the key safe navigation rules are:
Always keep a proper lookout;
Give way to the right;
Keep clear of larger vessels; and
Do not pass within 200m ahead of ferries.
“The rule for keeping clear of ferries is one of the most important on our harbour,” he said. “Ferries have confined space to navigate in, are restricted in their ability to manoevre and work to set commuter timetables – racing sailors must not cut close in front.”
This weekend of racing on courses running from Fort Denison east up the main harbour and offshore from Sydney Heads. Racing is due to start from 11.30 on both days with an invitational charity event being held as a warm up on Friday 4 March.
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