It’s smart to be safe when boating

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It’s smart to be safe when boating

NSW Maritime is giving notice to skippers that it will be targeting speed and encouraging safe boating practices on the Hawkesbury and Broken Bay waters on the weekend of 14-15 March.

Hawkesbury/Broken Bay regional manager Steve Black said skippers should travel at a safe speed that is appropriate for the sea and weather conditions.

“Remember to minimise your vessel’s wash as large wash can be a hazard to other vessels and the environment.  

“This weekend, our boating safety officers will be on the lookout to make sure skippers comply with safety requirements, including maintaining the correct distance from other vessels, the shoreline, people in the water and structures.

“We’ll also be on the lookout for skippers who fail to keep to the right hand side of channels.

“Well known speeding areas will be targeted, including water-skiing and wakeboarding areas.
“To enjoy a great day out on the water, keep a safe distance from other craft and structures, keep to the right hand side of the channel and don’t speed.”