NSW Recreational Boat Owners Surveyed

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NSW Recreational Boat Owner Survey

The introduction and spread of marine pests is an internationally recognised problem. The introduction of certain pests is potentially very costly to shipping and boating industries. For example, in the USA current costs are $137 million annually.

To maximise the chances of detecting marine pests before they become established (and difficult to eradicate) the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority and NSW DPI-Fisheries will be conducting a survey of recreational boat owners moving in and out of NSW waterways. The survey will look at boating movements into and within NSW, and cleaning and maintenance practices, in order to determine the potential for transporting key marine pests.

The Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority is inviting all NSW boat owners to participate in the survey. The survey will be active from 4 February 2008 and can be accessed through the following website www.sydney.cma.nsw.gov.au.

If you have any questions please contact Deana Filipas on 9895 5965