Missing person alert

Home»Boating News»Missing person alert

At approximately 6:00pm on Saturday 21 June 2008, three males were aboard a 3 metre open runabout on Lake Burrendong (near Wellington).

The vessel’s engine failed and two of the men were standing up with a view to changing their positions on board. The vessel became unstable and began to capsize. The three men jumped into the water and attempted to upright the vessel.

The missing person, a 21 year old male, attempted to swim to some trees about 150 metres away. One of his friends attempted to assist him as he was showing signs of distress. Unfortunately, the victim disappeared and has not yet been found.

The other two men swam to shore and walked about 3 km to the Lake Burrendong State Sport and Recreation Centre where they alerted Emergency Services. Police coordinated a land, water and aerial search of the area.   

It is believed that none of the men were wearing lifejackets and none had been on board the vessel at the time of the incident.

Alcohol may have been a factor.

NSW Maritime is liaising with Police.