Tall Ships Regatta calendar set for 2010

Home»Boating News»Tall Ships Regatta calendar set for 2010

Giovanni Soldini at the Boat Show
STA Italia, “Garibaldi Tall Ships’ Regatta”

In 2010 vessels will follow the route of the Mille between Genoa and Sicily
From Switzerland to Venice sailing through Milan:300 miles along the Lombard city’s ancient canals
Superyachts: a resource for Italy
Tomorrow’s events
The first event today at Genoa International Boat Show, being held at Fiera di Genova until Sunday 12th October, was the press conference presenting the “Genoa – Trapani Garibaldi Tall Ships’ Regatta 2010”, organised by the Sailing Training Association.
STA Italia’s President, Mr Matteo Bruzzo, illustrated the regatta that aims to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Giuseppe Garibaldi’s and the Mille’s endeavour and that will involve the wonderful tall ships of navy schools from all over the world and their crews.
This event will include several stages, first in Genoa from 8th to 11th April 2010 and then in Trapani from 16th to 19th April: in between, the regatta itself, between Liguria and Sicily, will take place. When moored in the ports the vessels will host a series of side events and activities targeted at the large public and particularly young people, who will be able to get onboard the ships – a unique opportunity to discover these incredibly fascinating vessels and to contribute to spreading “sea culture”. The final objective is indeed educating young people and disseminating the values related to marine culture.
STA Italia is a no-profit association established in 1996 onboard the school ship “Amerigo Vespucci” by initiative of the Italian Navy and Yacht Club Italiano. The tall ship races were held for the first time in 1956 in Great Britain and have also been held in Northern Seas and the Mediterranean since 1970.
The Boat Show was visited today by Italian sailor Giovanni Soldini, who was interviewed by journalist Giulio Guazzini during a public event held at the Sea Theatre.
Former soccer player and coach Roberto Mancini was also photographed as he strolled along quay H, where maxi yachts are berthed.
Another outstanding visitor today was the Commander of the Frecce Tricolori, the Italian aerobatic display team, Massimo Tammaro, who, having been born in Liguria, is a great sea lover. Commander Tammaro drew a fascinating comparison between the air and the sea worlds: “The air force and the boating sectors have a lot in common – he said – for example as regards the research on aerodynamics, but also the attention that must be paid in both cases to weather and wind conditions”. Commander Tammaro did not visit the Show for the first time today: “When I was invited to the Show for the first time – he explains –, three years ago, I immediately fell in love with one of the boats on display and, although I had not planned to do so, I came back two days later to buy it. It was love at first sight, as the saying goes” – concluded Mr Tammaro.
During the conference on Superyachts and the role of Italy in the international scenario, organised by UCINA at Fieracongressi, the strategic role of tourism in relation to this sector was highlighted.
According to estimates, 6% of the value of moored crafts is spent ashore, a percentage that drops to 1.5% in the case of transiting pleasure boats. In the light of this figure, professional operators are hoping a shared policy will be implemented to enhance the great potential of Italy, the world leader in 2008 in the super yacht building sector.
Activities are continuing at the Water Stadium in the Old Port, in the 20 x 30 metre swimming pool set up to hold various sports and interactive activities targeted at young people, in cooperation with the partners of FIV (the Italian Sailing Federation), the Italian Rowing Federation, the Italian Naval League, Acquario di Genova, the Italian Rescue Association, and the sponsors, Messina Line and Isolani. As part of FIV’s “Vela Scuola” and Acquario di Genova’s “Delfini metropolitani” projects, visits by schools started yesterday, while trials and demos on small sailing boats and canoes are held every afternoon.
A fascinating project aims to discover again the ancient canals between Switzerland and the Adriatic Sea, through a sailing trip from Locarno to Milan to Venice which will take place in April 2009. The Association “Amici dei Navigli” and Venice Motor Boating Association, in the presence of Lombardy Regional Councillor for Mobility, Raffaele Catatneo, presented today this unusual initiative being held for the fourth time along North Italy’s lakes, rivers, and waterways.
The trip will last thirteen days and aims to raise the institutions’ and public awareness on the re-discovery of river navigation: it will start in Locarno in Switzerland and will then head towards Lake Maggiore, Milan, Pavia, Piacenza, Cremona, Ferrara, Chioggia, Venice, up to Trieste, which it will reach after covering 440 miles.
At the Sea Theatre, as part of an initiative sponsored by FIV – the Italian Sailing Federation – the film “Deep Water” was shown, telling about the 1968 Golden Globe – the dramatic voyage of Donald Crowhurst, an amateur sailor who took part in the greatest nautical challenge ever launched, the first non-stop solo sailing race around the globe. The film, directed by Louise Osmond and Jerry Rothwell, will be on in Italian cinemas early in November.
The book and the show “Harry Potter sbarca a Genova” (Harry Potter lands in Genoa) by Simone Regazzini, in cooperation with the foundation Fondazione per la Cultura Palazzo Ducale, the University of Genoa and the Melangolo publishing house, was also presented today.
Tomorrow’s events at the Show – Wednesday 8th October
At 10.30 am in the Riviera Hall of Fieracongressi, conference promoted by UCINA: “La buona fiscalità per consolidare il sistema nautico italiano” (Fair and effective taxation to consolidate the Italian marine system). The development of the Italian boating industry over the last ten years, indeed, has not gone hand in hand with the development of the Italian boating market, although this sector is capable of generating wealth and employment. A lot has been achieved in the last few years, but UCINA thinks that “fair and effective taxation” would be required to further strengthen the Italian boating system.
At 10.00 am at Yacht Club Italiano, in the Duca degli Abruzzi marina, the conference “Open Mind – Evoluzione dello yacht design – barca ideale (The evolution of yacht design – the ideal boat) will be held, organised by Yacht Capital under the aegis of UCINA and Fiera di Genova.
In the afternoon, at 2.30 pm, in the Blue Hall of Fieracongressi, “Workshop of the internal auditors: market analysis of the Italian situation regarding issues related to CE marking”, by ANCCP.
At the Sea Theatre at 10.30 am the School Project organised by UCINA and Fiera di Genova will continue. The activities are targeted at the pupils of nautical schools, who will meet the Italian Navy to discuss interesting professional opportunities.
At 11.30 am presentation of the book “Toponimi costieri italiani nella cartografia dell’Istituto Idrografico della Marina” (Italian coastal place names in the cartography of the Hydrographic Institute) by Paolo Presciuttini.
In the afternoon at 2.00 pm, presentation of Transat 2009, by Gaetano Mura, followed at 3.00 pm by the presentation of the environmental project “Verde come Vela” (Green, like a sail), by Avanzi. To conclude, at 4.00 pm, conference on Voluntary work at sea, held by Captain Cosmo Picca, President of the no-profit association “Insieme per il mare”.
At the Press Centre, at 3.00 pm, a conference will be held organised by DSA – Department of Architectural Sciences of the University of Genoa -, to present the “Sunrise” project on the recycling of fibreglass.