Riviera honours its best

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Luxury boat builder Riviera is ending 2008 on a high note with a ceremony to honour high achieving staff over the year.

The company yesterday announced its Star Performers for 2008. Winners in three categories – Star Performer, Apprentice and Safety. Each was rewarded with a trip to New Zealand to visit the Auckland International Boat Show in March next year.

Riviera Star Performer for 2008 is Matthew Febey and Apprentice of the Year is Craig Folker while the company’s vital Safety award went to Shane Hollindale.

Matthew Febey said he was proud to receive recognition for his work.

According to supervisor Neil Decker, Matthew considers “above and beyond” to be normal work practice.

“It’s a great company,” said Matthew. “Riviera offers better job security than any other company in the boat building industry.

“I have had the opportunity to travel to Europe and New Zealand in my work over this year. I never thought that could happen in my job. Now I’m looking forward to going to the Auckland Boat Show. I love the city and it will be very interesting to see our boats lined up against the rest of the world.” 

The annual Star Performers lunch at the company’s R Restaurant | Bar brought together all nominated outstanding staff for the final quarter of the year as well as the best from previous quarters. More than 80 staff gathered to applaud the achievers.

Riviera CEO John Anderson used the occasion to tell staff the company continues to out-perform its major competitors around the globe at international boat shows. He said the performance of staff across the company continued to improve and the quality of boats being delivered was “the best our Dealers have ever seen”.

Overall Star Performer: Marcel van de Schraaf, Matthew Febey, Brian Gale, Jade Macaulay
OHS&E Star Performer: Shane Hollindale, Daniel Vendy, Daniel Verrall, Robert Vidovic
Apprentice Star Performer: Ramsey Kanafani, Adam Town, Natasha Israel, Craig Folker