Safety equipment checks Sydney Harbour

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Safety equipment checks on Sydney Harbour

NSW Maritime officers will be out on Sydney Harbour on the weekend of 7-8 March conducting random safety equipment checks on boats on the waterways.

NSW Maritime Sydney regional manager Trevor Williams said that skippers should check their boats each time before they go out.

“Skippers are responsible for the safety of their passengers and crew,” Mr Williams said.

Before you go out, make sure you have the following equipment on board:
•    Approved lifejackets for all passengers and crew
•    Navigation lights – make sure they’re in good working order
•    Two red hand flares and two orange smoke flares – check to make sure they’re in date
•    If you’re going more than 2 nautical miles offshore, you must carry an EPIRB and a marine band radio
•    The correct anchor for your vessel and a bilge pump protected by a strainer
•    At least one bucket with a 2m rope attached and, if you’re going offshore, a marine compass and chart
•    If you’re going offshore, 2 litres of fresh drinking water per person but always carry sufficient fresh drinking water
•    Lifebuoy or rescue quoit and oars/paddle.

“NSW Maritime’s boating safety officers will be especially targeting life jackets, navigation lights and flares,” Mr Williams said.

“We also recommend that each vessel carry a waterproof torch, first aid kit and a basic tool kit.”