Hanse Bear Cottage Winner is from Manly

Home»Boating News»Hanse Bear Cottage Winner is from Manly

Bear Cottage Boat Winner from Manly

Team Windcraft’s bold fund-raising campaign to raffle a brand new Hanse 355 yacht and raise much needed funds for Bear Cottage Children’s Hospice in Manly has been a huge success.

Windcraft sold 4352 tickets which should enable them to give a donation of approximately $250,000 to Bear Cottage.

The winner was announced at the Sydney Boat Show by Jo and Lyle Townsend. Jo and Lyle’s son Harry spent many happy days at Bear Cottage and the prize yacht is named “Harry’s Story” after him and to represent all the children at Bear Cottage.

Husam Dajani from Manly admired the Hanse 355 on Friday at the Boat Show and bought the winning ticket number 3849 just 2 days before the draw.

Husam has 3 sons and the family have recently taken up sailing as a change from power boating.  When Windcraft called Husam to explain he was the proud owner of a new yacht he thought it was a friend playing a joke at first.

When he finally realised his dream had come true he jumped on the Manly Ferry and spent the rest of the day on the 355 at the Boat Show. Husam has now joined Middle Harbour Yacht Club and plans keep the name “Harry’s Story” for his yacht.

How fitting that the yacht comes full circle to Middle Harbour where she was christened and the winners are from Manly the home of Bear Cottage!