BIA NSW presents an Access C-Crane for people with a disability

Home»Boating News»BIA NSW presents an Access C-Crane for people with a disability

BIA NSW presents an Access C-Crane for people with a disability to share the joy of Sailing.

BIA Director Alan Steber on behalf of BIA members donated an Access C-Crane and associated equipment to the Manning-Great Lakes branch of Sailability NSW recently in Taree.

The access C-Crane was developed as a transferring aid for disabled sailors in to and out of specially designed 2.3 m Access Dinghies and other small equipment. It will make sailing outings much easier for keen sailors and their carers. Manning and Great Lakes Sailability President Susan Dunk said “the new equipment will enable the Access Dinghies to be rigged from the wharf, and eager sailors to be lowered easily into the craft and they very much appreciated the donation”.

Alan Steber in presenting the crane “encouraged all present, including those with disabilities to discover boating and the joys of the outdoors”. He said “the BIA promotes Try Sailing and Try Boating Days across the state as well as the promotion of safe boating and educational initiatives and guidelines for members and recreational boaters to act in an environmentally responsible manner”.

Alan Steber said he “believes it is the first time the BIA has undertaken a support project of this type in a regional area of New South Wales”. Alan paid a special tribute to “all the volunteers for their dedication in making it possible for people with a disability to get out on the water”.

The Hon. Stephen Broomhead MP was a special guest taking the opportunity to “thank the BIA for making such an important contribution to assisting the disabled to enjoy freedom on the water on the Manning River”.