New audio tours help guests uncover Hamilton Island’s hidden gems

Home»Boating News»New audio tours help guests uncover Hamilton Island’s hidden gems

To help guests on Hamilton Island immerse themselves in their surrounds and provide local knowledge at the touch of a button, Hamilton Island has developed two free audio tours for domestic and international guests. 

Available in five languages – English, Japanese, Mandarin, Italian and German, the new audio tours of Passage Peak and the Village Trail enable visitors to be ‘personally’ guided through the Island’s history, stunning vistas and secluded beaches. 

With 70% of Hamilton Island considered National Parkland, the Passage Peak tour is an invaluable resource for guests wanting to learn about the region’s unique flora and fauna: from cabbage tree palms, to green ants that weave leaves with silk, to the blue tiger butterflies that flit across the Island’s paths. 

For history buffs, the Village Trail tour provides an overview of the history of Hamilton Island, taking guests back in time with tales of Captain Cook’s first journey through the area on ‘Whit Sunday’ before educating guests about the Island’s recent history, including current owners of Hamilton Island, the Oatley family, their love of the Island and the investment they have made to make Hamilton Island one of the world’s favourite holiday destinations.

Both tours also let guests in on little secrets, like the best place to watch the sun set or how best to spend a day in paradise. Glenn Bourke, Hamilton Island’s CEO says guests are embracing the new tours.

‘The new audio tours are the perfect partner for guests wishing to explore Hamilton Island at their own pace and we have had fabulous feedback from guests who have taken the tours. Guests love the range of information and feel they have a better understanding of their surroundings and the Island’s landmarks.’

All content featured in the audio tours has been written by a heritage writer and botanist. 

The audio tours are available to download for free through the Apple iTunes store. Guests are also able to stream the Village Trail tour through and 

Limited iPod Touches featuring the audio guides are also available to hire for up to four hours, through the tour desks at the Resort Centre or in the lobby of the Reef View Hotel. The iPod Touches are pre-loaded with both tours in all five languages.