Ryan Short Marine Services to offer free antifoul in July

Home»Boating News»Ryan Short Marine Services to offer free antifoul in July

We understand its winter, it’s cold, and at the moment boating is not a priority. Which is why we’re happy to announce between the months of June and July, antifoul is supplied FREE of charge!

This special offseason offer gives you the opportunity to save hundreds of dollars on your next antifoul and get your boat ready for summer taking advantage of a huge discount. Simply mention this offer when applying for a quote and you’ll receive your new discounted price.

The antifoul we’re supplying is what we primarily use and is of the highest quality, being Internationals high quality Micron Extra. ablative antifoul or International Ultra hard racing antifoul. International Paints is Australia’s leading boat paint supplier ensuring it is a superior product. In addition it guarantees protection for at least 12 months in even the harshest of conditions.

To make the most of this Winter Special, bookings must be made before the 1st of August. For more information or to book please call Ryan on 0432 123 101 or send us an email info@ryanshortmarine.com.au

Ryan Short Marine Services