Birds Off Boats is showcasing a range of products at Sanctuary Cove

Home»Boating News»Birds Off Boats is showcasing a range of products at Sanctuary Cove

Birds Off Boats

Exhibitor Birds Off Boats is showcasing a range of products to keep birds off boats, pontoons and piers.

The niche company is exhibiting at Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show for the first time.

The products include static decoys, wind-generated arms, solar-operated or heat sensor units to deter birds from landing on or near prized possessions.

“Bird droppings, nestings and pest occupation on boats and jetties are unsightly and create work to clean,” said company director Cheryl Lygo. “More than 40 known transmittable diseases are passed on through birds, so it is important boats are kept clean,” she said. The devices do not kill or injure birds, just deter them from landing.