After Wynyard Quarter decision Marine Industry now able to grow

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MIA welcomes Wynyard Quarter decision: ‘Marine Industry now able to grow’

The Marine Industry Association of New Zealand is welcoming the decision of the Auckland City Council and the Auckland Regional Council to provide a secure, long term, base for the marine industry in the new Wynyard Quarter development and adjacent Westhaven precinct.

MIA executive director, Peter Busfield, says the decision is a marvellous outcome for the New Zealand marine industry and the city as a whole.

“The decision means our industry can continue to commission superyachts built in this country. We can also continue to expand our growing refit industry, which is already worth over $150m.”

Peter Busfield says the decision will also allow Auckland to continue to host major international yachting events such as the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series and the Millennium Cup for superyachts.

“This is great news for all Aucklanders,” he says.

Peter Busfield also hailed the decision as a “world first”.

“This is the first time in the world that city sprawl has been diverted to accommodate and preserve a marine industry. It is a far-sighted and visionary decision.”

Peter Busfield says the marine industry’s position, so close to downtown Auckland, gives it a unique advantage.

“Visiting superyacht owners, captains and crew choose Auckland for their multi-million dollar refurbishments in large part because they are so close to the city ? and to the 100 marine business based in and around the Wynyard Quarter and Westhaven precincts.

“While in other countries they need to travel considerable distances to secure products and services and to go out at night or return to their hotel rooms, here they can do all that on foot or on a bicycle.

“They consider that a real bonus and often return here for further refits.

“They also share these positive experiences with their fellow superyacht owners and those owners then choose to bring their boats here.”

Research has also shown that while their boats are in Auckland for a refit, these owners will often bring family and friends to New Zealand and tour around the country.

“These people stay in our best hotels and lodges, hire helicopters to get around and generally contribute enormously to our economy.

“What’s more, the refitting of superyachts is one of the most recession-proof industries in the world.”

Peter Busfield says this means the decision is not only good news for all the marine companies based in Wynyard Quarter, it is also very positive for the whole economy.

“As both an industry and as individual companies, we can now confidently plan for the future.

“There is now enormous potential for us to grow our refit business.

“We have world-class tradespeople able to deliver the highest standards of workmanship; the lower New Zealand dollar gives us a very competitive advantage and we now have a secure base close to one of the best marine cities in the world.”

For more information please contact:
Peter Busfield
Executive Director
Marine Industry Association
Phone (09) 360-0056.