Australia Day Recipes by Benjamin Christie – Celebrity Chef

Home»Boating Recipes»Cabin Fever Cook»Australia Day Recipes by Benjamin Christie – Celebrity Chef

Howdy folks,

Now that we are over the Christmas – New Year and over the overhang, it’s time to think about Australia Day.

This year I want to look at other chefs and restaurants, food traditions and ingredients from and around Australia and other parts of the world.

Let’s start with Australia and our Aussie traditions.

This includes some of our Native bush tucker used as menu items or as flavouring ingredients.

Australian Celebrity Chef, Benjamin Christie has specialized in Aussie Cuisine.

Benjamin’s fresh and contemporary cuisine features indigenous Australian ingredients and his recipes regularly appear in major international newspapers and leading food magazines throughout the world.

Here are three of my favourites:



Grilled Salmon with Macadamia Sauce

Damper was the traditional sheep farmer and drover’s ‘daily bread’ because it required no yeast. It was served with Golden Syrup or “Cockies’ Joy”, and black tea made in a Billy.

Lamingtons are a delicious Australian way of using up Madeira cake before it gets stale. They used to be made by Mums who wanted to help raise money at fetes for charities such as the Bush Fire Brigade. I find them irresistible.

Macadamias are a truly Australian nut, now grown in other parts of the world.

Enjoy Australia Day, safe boating and catch you next time.


You can also buy Benjamin’s Dining Downunder Cookbook  online.