Birthday present for niche Aussie Boat Builder

Home»Boating News»Birthday present for niche Aussie Boat Builder

This Easter Saturday marks 20 years to the day when the very first Scruffie hit the water. That simple lug-rigged dinghy, still in production, spawned an ever expanding range of boats – cruisers, dayboats, racers, tourist boats and electric launches. Now over 300 boats are under construction or sailing in 8 different countries.

By happy coincidence this April’s issue of Classic Boat magazine has a four-page review of one of Scruffie Marine’s best loved boats, the Secret 20. Long regarded as the international “bible” for traditionally styled boats, the UK based magazine has serious credibility in yachting circles. For small builders such as Scruffie Marine this represents the ultimate in peer reviews.

“We are delighted” says designer Derek Ellard “The piece is generally very complimentary and praises the boat’s speed, balance and looks – it is a lovely birthday present for us.” Of all his designs, Ellard is especially proud of the very quick little gaff cutter and full of praise for UK agent Max Campbell of Whisper Boats who set up the test.

Every issue is an excellent read but here in Australia the April issue will take a month or two to get on the stands. “Their copy, photos and features are always first class” says Ellard “and always well worth keeping – I still have some going back to the nineties.”

So happy 20th Scruffie Marine and we look forward to some related special events later in the year.