Bluewater Marina Cairns Update

Home»Boating News»Bluewater Marina Cairns Update


Last week, Australians stood as one to witness the fury vented by Cyclone Yasi on beautiful Tropical North Queensland. The results were catastrophic to many coastal communities, as we now know.

On behalf of the entire team at Brookfield Residential Properties, we would like to extend our thoughts and sympathies to anyone who was impacted by Yasi. The sight of so many magnificent vessels damaged, destroyed or even sunk was heartbreaking.

Fortunately our Bluewater Marina at Trinity Beach, Far North Queensland’s newest Marina, withstood all strong winds, with no damage to infrastructure or docked vessels, and no injury to owners or occupants. The Marina was in fact at full capacity for Yasi and her aftermath, since many owners moved their vessels from other Marinas and locations to the safety of Bluewater’s state-of-the-art cyclone-rated Marina.

If you are now in need of a safe and secure berth for your vessel, limited berths remain available at Bluewater, priced from just $119,000 and offering 99 year leases. There’s a selection of 10, 12, 15 and 18 metre berths and 12 metre catamaran berths, all offering deepwater access to the Coral Sea and the Great Barrier Reef.   

Berths are protected by 24-hour security cameras and an on-site Manager and the Marina is deliberately set back from the ocean to offer an unprecedented level of cyclone protection. Sadly, last week, we saw the critical importance of this.