Boat and play safely on the water

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Play safely on our waters
NSW Maritime has reminded wakeboarders and skiers to stay safe on the water this weekend 7-8 February with boating safety officers targeting unsafe towing practices on the Hawkesbury River and in Broken Bay
NSW Maritime Hawkesbury/Broken Bay regional manager Stephen Black said towing activities including waterskiing, aquaplaning and wakeboarding would be targeted during the weekend campaign.
“We want people to have fun on the water but stay safe at the same time,” Mr Black said.

“Towing activities are especially popular during the peak summer boating season and we don’t want to see any accidents on our waterways.
“If you’re towing, it’s a legal requirement to have an observer on board assisting the licensed skipper and keeping watch the entire time.
“Observers need to be at least 16 years old or be the holder of a young adult boat licence.

“Both skippers and observers need to be below the 0.05 alcohol limit.
“Anyone being towed, whether it’s in a tube, on skis or on a wakeboard, should also wear a life jacket and the towing vessel must be registered and display a capacity plate.
“Towboats and towlines need to keep 30m from other vessels and the shore, 60m from other people in the water, and 300m from bridges and overhead structures.

“With temperatures in the 40s forecast for this weekend, skippers are also advised to keep a watch out for swimmers in our waterways.
“Remember that no more than three people can be towed at once, and you must not ski before sunrise or after sunset.
“The wash produced by towing can be a hazard to other vessels and the foreshore, so ensure you keep to a safe speed and minimise wash.”