Boat buyers and sellers benefit from working with MBA brokers

Home»Boating News»Boat buyers and sellers benefit from working with MBA brokers

With the Sydney International Boat Show starting this week, now is the time that the Sydney boating market starts to heat up for both buyers of new and pre-owned boats, and sellers of second hand vessels.

Members of the Marine Brokers Association also take this time to inform the boating public of the benefits to buyers and sellers of dealing with a BIA MBA Member, to help achieve their ideal outcome.

When it comes to buying a new boat, Paul Miletta from Q7 Marine at Cabarita Point offers a buyer’s advisory service for those that may be new to boating. “We basically hold our clients hand helping them to understand first and foremost what type of boat is suitable for them, then we help them undertake a thorough review of the options available and even assist with negotiating the right price”, says Paul. “And for those clients a little more experienced, we still recommend you do your research, talk to your local MBA Broker about the type of boat you’re looking for, talk to your friends for advice and tips and ensure you include the whole family in the decision making process.”

When it comes to selling your boat, Michael Joyce from R Marine Sydney suggests that it’s even more important to work with your local Marine Brokers Association Member to ensure you achieve the desired result. Michael says, “It can save a lot of time, heartache and cost if you engage the services of an MBA Broker to help sell your boat. We have the experience and team who are dealing in boats every day, plus we already have clients visiting our dealerships and reviewing our regular marketing, so we’ll deliver more prospective quality potential purchasers”.

Michael also offers a few tips for those that might like to go it alone. Firstly do your research to check what competition is out there. Prepare all of your relevant documentation and clean, detail and de-clutter the boat removing personal items. Look at what online and print media options are available for advertising and set a budget, then sit and wait for the phone to ring.

The recent update of Australian Consumer Law relating to Marine Sales and Service introduces more protection for purchasers. On review of the update to the laws, MBA Members reviewed their stock listings to ensure that their listings held no surprises for potential purchasers. The law outlines that the sellers are to ensure that goods are of acceptable quality, match the description given to them, fit for their disclosed purpose and free from undisclosed securities and charges.

Rod Williams from Berowra Waters Brokerage reviewed his listings and found a number of boats that he just wasn’t happy to promote. “We, like most MBA Brokers, like to ensure all of our listings are of the upmost quality for our purchasers, and on review of the new laws we decided to delist some boats as they just weren’t up to scratch”, said Rod.  “Consumers can take a lot of comfort in knowing that a boat they purchase from an MBA Member will have been stringently checked and tested, and that they only stock high quality listings.”

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