Boaters warned go easy on the drink

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Boaters warned: go easy on the drink

As Christmas approaches boaters are warned the same drinking and driving rules apply on the water as on the road.

Skippers are warned it is their responsibility to stay under the 0.05 blood alcohol (BAC) limit.
This follows two incidents early tonight in which the skipper of an 8m runabout and the skipper of a 40ft yacht were found to be each over the 0.05 BAC (high range) in random breath tests on Brisbane Water.
NSW Maritime Boating Safety Officers and Water Police will be on the water every day over the holiday period checking safety equipment, speed and alcohol.

For further information please visit the NSW Maritime website

Yacht and Boat note:

Make sure you know the Boating Safety Requirements in your State or Territory. You’ll find plenty of information and helpful hints on how to keep safe on the water these holidays.

Have fun and… boating!

The Yacht and Boat Team