Boating navigation lights check this Australia Day weekend

Home»Boating News»Boating navigation lights check this Australia Day weekend

Lights on campaign on North Coast waterways
Ports and Waterways Minister Joe Tripodi has warned skippers heading out on North Coast waterways over the Australia Day weekend to display their navigation lights as NSW Maritime conducts a night lighting compliance
Mr Tripodi said the Navigation Lights Campaign would see NSW Maritime Boating Officers carry out spot checks on navigation lights in the Tweed and Hastings waterways on January 24 and 25.
During the day, vessels will be checked for correct lighting, with skippers warned if they have insufficient lighting for their vessel type.

“At night, there will be a zero tolerance approach with fines being issued to all skippers driving vessels that are inappropriately lit,” Mr Tripodi said.
“When night falls, it’s a completely different world on the water and skippers must carry and display the correct lights.
“At night, every vessel on the water needs lights so they can be seen. Make sure your lights work properly and use them as soon as the sun goes down or when visibility is poor.”
Mr Tripodi reminded boaters that different vessels required different navigation lights.
“Maritime officers will be checking to make sure you have the right lights.
“When you’re boating at night there are four simple things to remember – go slow, be seen, keep a lookout and be bright,” Mr Tripodi said.
If skippers are unsure about what lighting they must have they can check the Maritime website: