Cabo and Hatteras Heaven in Port Stephens

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Cabo and Hatteras along with their local distributor Game & Leisure Boats, are proud to be the official sponsors of the upcoming 2013 Cabo – Hatteras Billfish Shootout Tournament to be held in Port Stephens over the 16th and 17th of February. In a coup for Game and Leisure Boats and their iconic American brands, organiser of the event Newcastle and Port Stephens Game Fish Club is proud to announce that there will be a record field of 110 boats competing in the two day event, and fighting it out for a huge cash and prize pool of up to $100,000.

To support the sponsorship of this iconic event Game & Leisure Boats will be hosting a range of activities and events to support their Cabo and Hatteras owners competing in the tournament. Friday afternoon will see a selection of Cabo and Hatteras boats on display on the marina  and open for public inspection, with a brand new Hatteras GT54 headlining the display.

On Saturday evening Graham McCloy and the team from Game & Leisure Boats will be hosting an exclusive Cabo and Hatteras owners dinner at a nearby restaurant, with any Cabo or Hatteras owners fishing in the tournament invited to attend.

“Every one of our team members at Game & Leisure Boats, including myself, are all passionate about game fishing, and its fantastic that we have the opportunity put our support behind such a great event”, said Game & Leisure Boats Managing Director Graham McCloy. “Cabo and Hatteras have a proud reputation for supporting key events around the world and it’s with the great support of the factory that we can ensure this tradition continues in Australia”.

Newcastle & Port Stephens Game Fish Club President Peter Simpson says “We’re delighted to have the support of Graham and his team and the contribution from Game & Leisure Boats through Cabo and Hatteras is invaluable in helping us to grow the event to where it is today. We look forward to welcoming Graham and his team, along with their many Cabo and Hatteras owners fishing in the tournament”.

For more information on the 2013 Cabo – Hatteras Billfish Shootout Tournament visit, contact Game & Leisure Boats on 07 5577 5811 or visit