NSW Maritime Launches New Web-Based Safety Resource

Home»Safety»NSW Maritime Launches New Web-Based Safety Resource

NSW Maritime has enhanced its campaign for safer waterways with the launch of a new online resource designed to improve boaters’ understanding of water-traffic rules.

  • A 21st Century Approach to Boating Safety
    • Interactive Navigation and Waterway Rules
    • Unique Features for Day and Night Navigation
    • Enhancing Safety Knowledge for Night Boating
    • Test Your Boating Knowledge
    • A Collaborative Effort with International Expertise

A 21st Century Approach to Boating Safety

Ports and Waterways Minister Paul McLeay emphasized that this interactive guide offers an engaging way for boaters to learn about vessel navigation and day and night boating rules.

“We’re moving boating safety into the 21st Century. This online guide offers boaters an interactive experience to help them with a range of practical navigation information, such as how to understand and use day time and night time navigation buoys and marks. It also provides a guide to waterway rules.”

Interactive Navigation and Waterway Rules

The online guide provides practical navigation information, including understanding and using daytime and nighttime buoys and markers. Boaters can also explore waterway rules in an engaging, user-friendly format.

“Using animation boaters can choose to view navigation marks from a variety of angles and views and then adjust the visibility to see these marks in both daylight and at night,” Mr McLeay said. “They can also manipulate a variety of vessels, including motor boats, larger vessels and sailing vessels, to view their navigation lights at any angle.”

Unique Features for Day and Night Navigation

Through animations, users can view navigation marks from various angles in both daylight and nighttime settings. They can also manipulate different vessels to see how their navigation lights appear at different angles.

Mr McLeay said the online safety guide would be particularly useful for boaters interested in increasing their safety knowledge for night-time boating, by gaining a better understanding of the various colours and configurations of lights.

“This system of lights and shapes is based upon long-standing international maritime rules for safe navigation and it is important that every skipper understands their responsibilities. Boaters can test their knowledge of the basic safe boating rules by responding to a series of different scenarios in the interactive quizzes, which are linked to full explanations of the boating rules in the NSW Maritime Boating Handbook.”

Enhancing Safety Knowledge for Night Boating

The online guide is particularly beneficial for those interested in nighttime boating, offering detailed insights into the colors and configurations of navigation lights based on international maritime safety rules.

Test Your Boating Knowledge

Boaters can challenge themselves with interactive quizzes on basic safe boating rules, with explanations linked to the NSW Maritime Boating Handbook for a comprehensive learning experience.

A Collaborative Effort with International Expertise

The Vessel Navigation Interactive Guide was developed in partnership with Britain’s Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) and adapted from their educational modules, now available on the NSW Maritime website.