Club Marine supports Melbourne Down Under

Home»Boating News»Club Marine supports Melbourne Down Under

Club Marine, Australia’s largest provider of recreational boating insurance, is delighted to announce its support of Melbourne Down Under, an adventurous project to be launched on October 27 which aims to increase awareness of the bountiful underwater marine life that flourishes under the surface of Victoria’s Port Phillip Bay.

Brought to life by former Young Australian of the Year (Environment) and award-winning aquatic scientist, Sheree Marris, Melbourne Down Under will showcase the hidden secrets nature has tucked away in Melbourne’s watery front yard, and invites locals, tourists and businesses to discover the abundance of life and beauty hidden below the surface of the bay.

Included in the project is a stunning book with images ranging from towering kelp forests to the spectacularly decorated leafy sea dragon. Melbourne Down Under will also include a travelling exhibition showcasing stunning underwater photography, as well as video footage featuring on screens at Melbourne’s Federation Square.

Greg Fisher, Club Marine CEO, said: “As a marine insurance company, Club Marine is committed to supporting initiatives with a focus on preserving our marine environment and we have been a major sponsor and active participant in the great Australian marine lifestyle for over 40 years.”

Project Manager Sheree Marris said she is thrilled to have Club Marine on board the Melbourne Down Under project. “Working together, we will be able to educate the community about the incredibly colourful and diverse marine values we have in Port Phillip, while creating a marine stewardship ethic in the community that will protect this unique environment for future generations.” commented Marris.

“Club Marine’s commitment to supporting local communities and marine environments makes it the perfect project partner.”

Follow this unique project as it unfolds, with special feature articles and photography in selected issues of Club Marine Magazine and at A special 5% discount on Melbourne Down Under books and DVDs is available for Club Marine Magazine readers during the course of the project