Conference Unveils the Latest in Safety

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May 1 2008

The Marine Safety Conference 2008 featuring 41 high profile speakers, 12 specialist session streams and innovative product demonstrations and exhibitions has become a highly anticipated marine safety showcase.

More than 300 delegates are expected to attend the conference to be held in Adelaide from the 26th to the 29th of May. Topics include discussions on the latest marine safety initiatives such as:  technical and operational matters, new products, research and training innovations, commercial standards, recreational boat education, navigation, ports and the environment.

National Marine Safety Committee CEO and conference organiser Ms Maurene Horder explained that innovation is one of the cornerstones of the conference.

Key note speaker, Allan Lear, Director of Oz Future Fuels will outline the features of the world’s first fuel smart boat that makes and consumes its own fuel.  The boat can reprocess waste engine oil or vegetable oils into a useable fuel and blend that fuel with diesel fuel to maintain perfect ratios.   The blended fuel enables lower CO2 emissions and contributes to greener solutions and reduced global warming.

Svitzer’s Salvage Master, Drew Shannon will entertain delegates with his amazing reenactment – in words and pictures – of his innovative methods to salvage the storm-stranded ship, the Pasha Bulker last year. It took three weeks to free the ship, and the story captured the imagination of the nation.

Representatives from the Bureau of Meteorology will unveil the latest IT wizardry in weather forecasting for the maritime sector as well as the Australian Tsunami Warning System being implemented by the Bureau.

Ms Horder explained that technical standards, a core feature of marine safety, would also be addressed. She will provide details on new standards for the National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV).

Other Highlights include a recreational boating stream with updates on the Australian Builders Plate for Recreational boats, New Zealand’s recreational boating strategy and education initiatives. New research reports and national data are also set to be released at the conference.

Delegates will also have the chance to tour Port Adelaide’s new maritime facilities, Holdfast Shores Marina and the house boat industry at Mannum. For further conference details, please go to

The NMSC aims to achieve nationally uniform marine safety practices and is made up of the CEOs of Australia’s marine safety agencies.