First Clean Marinas on Australian New South Wales North Coast

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As a result of cooperation between the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority (NRCMA) and the Marina Industries Association (MIA) two North Coast NSW marinas have gained accreditation under MIA’s Clean Marinas Program. Both Coffs Harbour International Marina and Yamba Marina decided to embark on the accreditation process.   

The marinas underwent a 115 point environmental audit to assess mechanical activities, boat maintenance and storage; fuelling; facility management; mechanical, shipwright, boat repair and general workshops; emergency planning and equipment plus boaties education to ensure they were compliant with the Clean Marina Program. As a result of the independent audit, both marinas undertook some minor upgrades to environmental related infrastructure and on further verification passed the Clean Marinas Program Level 3 accreditation criteria.

 MIA Executive Officer Colin Bransgrove said MIA was particularly pleased with this outcome. “It is the first time MIA has partnered with a Catchment Management Authority to achieve an outcome that is good for the all parties involved. It is also good for marina users, local communities and most importantly, the environment. These two marinas are the first marinas in the region to become Clean Marina accredited”.  

Peter Sutton from Yamba Marina said he has appreciated the support provided by both the organisations that made it easier to get involved in this important environmental program. “We are very pleased to be officially recognised as a Clean Marina under the MIA program. As a 90 berth marina we provide important services and facilities to local and visiting boats. Being able to fly the Clean Marina flag is an important signal that we are committed to high environmental standards”.   

Elise Currey, Operations Manager at Coffs Harbour International Marina said Clean Marina status was important for such a high profile facility. “We are responsible for a marina that attracts most tourists visiting Coffs Harbour. Being a recognised Clean Marina is an another important demonstration of our commitment to environmental leadership”        

John Williams, NRCMA Chair, said as the regional body supporting the sustainable use and management of our natural resources, the CMA was pleased to be able to initiate the involvement of Yamba and Coffs Harbour marinas in the Clean Marinas program.

“The Clean Marinas project is part of a larger program we have been implementing with marine industries in the region; to develop and promote uptake of best management practice in areas as diverse as recreational diving and commercial oyster farming”, Mr Williams said. 

With the latest accreditation of Yamba Marina this now takes to 58 the number of Clean Marinas in Australia and SE Asia.