Game Fisherman Rates Streaker Boats Market Leader

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Game Fisherman Rates Streaker Hardtop the Market Leader

Recreational fishermen don’t come any more enthusiastic than Melbourne angler Bruce Teede.  Having just taken delivery of his third Streaker fishing boat, Bruce reckons that his latest acquisition, the Streaker 6.35 Commodore Hardtop, is not only his best boat ever, but the market leader.

Bruce Teede is a game fishing enthusiast who regularly travels to Bermagui, Narooma, Portland and Wilsons Prom chasing game fish.  

Fishing 30 nm offshore and more is a routine experience.   And when at home, Bruce likes nothing more than to head out into Port Phillip Bay for a day on the water with his sons.

“I have previously owned a Streaker 5.45 Tournament and then upgraded to a Streaker 5.85 Tournament,” Bruce said.  

“Both Streaker boats were well suited to fishing but I needed to go bigger because of my distant offshore fishing activities.  The fact that I went for another Streaker demonstrates the highest regard that I hold for the Streaker brand.”

Having owned and used the 6.35 Commander Hardtop for some time now, Bruce is glowing in his praise of the rig. 

“I have to congratulate Streaker on the effort that has gone into the 6.35 Commander Hardtop,” Bruce commented.  

“This boat is extremely well designed with the fisherman in mind.  The years of design and development at Streaker have obviously all been bought out in one package. The Yamaha F225 is perfectly suited to the boat, the boat handles extremely well and its size and weight give it excellent stability under power and at rest.”

While the hull and cockpit designs are big winners with Bruce, it is the hardtop that brought out the biggest accolades.

“The hard top is an innovation that I could now never do without,” Bruce said.

“The cabin has a totally different feel and creates a feeling of comfort and protection in rough weather that simply can’t be achieved with a bimini. Having a clear windscreen and windscreen wiper in rough conditions for me is now an absolute must.”

On a recent fishing trip, Bruce was way offshore when the weather changed for the worse with a squall blowing through Bass Strait.

With the howling wind whipping up big seas, the Streaker inevitably took a few over the bow dumping green water on the cabin and the screen.

“It was at this precise moment that I was eternally grateful for the hardtop,” Bruce said.  “I would hate to have been out there in those conditions relying upon a bimini to keep us dry and safe!”

Quite apart from the hardtop cabin, Bruce Teede has plenty more to like about his Streaker 6.35 Commander Hardtop.

With factory fitted trim tabs, he finds an easy but essential way to balance the boat when under way.  Compensating for a full bait tank or an uneven load of passengers is easily achieved with the hydraulic tabs.

And while it may seem an obvious statement, Bruce has found the stern quarter one of the best places to fish from.  He flips out the removable stern quarter seats and can fish with solid personal bracing to left, right and in front.

“And the electric anchor winch – how often do you not move to a new fishing spot because you can’t be bothered pulling up the pick?  With the electric winch, you just hit the button and up it comes to neatly stow itself in the bow sprit.”

“The Streaker guys need to be congratulated on putting together a spectacular, complete fishing package, which in my experience is without doubt the market leader,” Bruce concluded.

Streaker Boats is a leading Melbourne marine retailer, being authorised dealers for Quintrex, Streaker, Larson, Yamaha outboards and Wave Runners.  The company is one of the few Yamaha dealers in Australia that has been awarded the status of Platinum dealer.

Wayne Adolphson
Sales Manager
Streaker Boats Pty Ltd

Ph:    (03) 9729 8288