Genoa Boat Show begins

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The Italian Minister for Transport and Infrastructures, Mr Altero Matteoli, will officially open tomorrow Genoa 49th International Boat Show, held at Fiera di Genova from 3 to 11 October.

Everything is ready for Genoa 49th International Boat Show. Today Mr Paolo Lombardi – Fiera di
Genova SpA’s Chairman -, Mr Roberto Urbani – Fiera di Genova’s Managing Director -, Anton
Francesco Albertoni and Marina Stella – UCINA’s President and General Manager, respectively
– met the Press to share the latest news. In the evening the new pavilion B was officially
inaugurated in the presence of its creator, architect Jean Nouvel.
Tomorrow the Show – which is going to be held at Fiera di Genova from 3 to 11 October – will be
opened by the Italian Minister for Transport and Infrastructures, Mr Altero Matteoli. 
The opening ceremony – which will be attended by Mr Claudio Burlando, President of Liguria
General Council, Marta Vincenzi, Genoa Mayor, and Alessandro Repetto, President of Genoa
Provincial Council – will start at 9.30 am, while the Show will open to the public at 10.00 am. 
Immediately after the opening ceremony, the first Boating Industry General Assembly, entitled
“L’industria nautica motore della ripresa” (The Italian boating industry, a driving force for recovery),
will be held. This event has been organised by UCINA to draw the Italian Government’s attention
to some important issues in this sector.
Two reference Ministers accepted President Anton Francesco Albertoni’s invitation: Mr Altero
Matteoli, Minister for Transport and Infrastructures, and Ms Michela Vittoria Brambilla,
Minister for Tourism. 
Mr Giuseppe Vegas, Deputy Minister for Economics and Finance, has confirmed his participation.
At 11.30 in the Liguria Hall of Fieracongressi (the congress centre located inside the fair &
exhibition centre), the political and industrial sectors will thus meet to discuss core issues for the
boating industry, such as the creation of a network of marinas, the definition of a tax policy
increasing this sector’s competitiveness, and the inclusion of nautical tourism in tourist policies.
Market trends and figures
All July forecasts have been confirmed: the 1,450 participating exhibitors and the 2,400
boats on display – 570 of which in the water – bear witness to the liveliness of the boating
sector, which is ready to take advantage of the first signs of recovery and for which Genoa Boat
Show is undoubtedly a “must be there” event. Over 37% of exhibitors will come from
abroad, proving once more the Show’s international significance. The large number of new
products on display reflects the highly innovative features of this year’s Show: only among boats,
the number of expected new models exceeds 600.
The flagships of this 49th Show will be the Premier 135 Bikini Queen 2, a 42-metre motor yacht
produced by the German boatyard Drettman, and the 50-metre long Italian pearl Perini
As regards product categories, out of 2,400 boats 59% is below 10 metres, while the crafts
between 10 and 24 metres account for 31.5%. 13% of the boats on display in the water exceeds
24 metres in length (pleasure vessels) and 37 of them are above 30 metres.
Genoa Boat Show is therefore confirming to be a reference event for the international boating
sector and, this year more than ever, is going to play a crucial role in enhancing the sector’s
recovery after the big economic crisis – a role recognised by boating operators worldwide, which
this year too will allow the Show to achieve record results.
As for new trends in the sector, functionality, limited consumption, and environmental
sustainability are the main common features of products displayed at the Show, with an
increase in the number of boats ensuring easy piloting and particularly suitable for daily family
cruises. The percentage of day cruisers displayed has indeed increased from 15.50% in 2008 to
20% in 2009, while that of new flybridges has moved up from 2% in 2008 to the current 14%. 
Structural innovations
Fiera di Genova’s remarkable architectural evolution continues. This year, the 49th International
Boat Show will benefit from a wide range of new facilities, first and foremost the new pavilion B
overlooking the sea, designed by architect Jean Nouvel. The new building will be officially
presented to the Press this evening at a vernissage attended by the public authorities and by
architect Nouvel, who will introduce his work to the public.
But there is more. The 2009 Boat Show has indeed further improved also its floating part –
more than a hundred and ten thousand square metres in the water. Following the
demolition of part of the former breakwater in Marina Uno, a direct connection between the new
dock, Marina Uno, and the western dock has been obtained. This will allow to extend the overall
length of walkways on the sea up to almost nine kilometres.
The new 2009 Boat Show layout

After making its debut last year, the western dock will again be used for sailing boats. As regards
ashore exhibition areas (four pavilions, a tensile structure on the sea, and large outdoor areas),
changes have been made in the layout of the Tech Trade section in Pavilion C and of the
shopping area, located in the second gallery of Pavilion S. The trade press will be hosted in the
partially sheltered areas of pavilion S. This year too, the twenty-thousand-square-metre ground
floor of pavilion S will be entirely used to display power boats up to 12 metres, “package” boats
(inflatables and rigid boats with engine), and outboard engines. Electronic instruments and
equipment for sports fishing, ports & marinas and related services, as well as financial & leasing
services will be again located in the first gallery, while other inflatable boats and other trade
publications will be hosted in pavilion D. Inboard and inboard-outboard engines, engine
accessories, and generators will be on display on the ground floor of pavilion C, while the
institutions in charge of safety at sea will be in pavilion C’s gallery. Pavilion B will be the stage for
power boats up to 16 metres at the quay-level. The upper floor will host inflatable boats, while
some of the leading Italian and international brands will be displayed under the tensile structure.
Ocean sailing calls at the Boat Show
Great sailing across the globe will also be in the spotlight at Genoa 49th International Boat Show.
On Sunday, 4 October, starting at 2.00 pm at the Sea Theatre, the most exciting images and tales
from the latest Volvo Ocean Race – the round-the-world crewed race consisting of several legs –
will be shared with the public by some of its participants. Organised by UCINA and Fiera di Genova
in cooperation with Yacht Capital, this event will also be an opportunity to find out more about
next Volvo Ocean Race and about the new initiatives and projects of Italian sailing.
The meeting will be opened by UCINA’s President, Anton Francesco Albertoni, and Fiera di
Genova SpA’s Chairman, Paolo Lombardi, and attended by Torben Grael (winner of the Volvo
Ocean Race 2008-2009), Richard Brisius (Ericsson Racing Team’s Technical Manager, who won
the regatta with the Grael’s team), and Knut Frostad, General Manager and main organiser of
the round-the-world race, who will tell about some of the innovations of the 2011-2012 regatta.
Carlo Croce, the President of the Italian Sailing Federation, Riccardo Bonadeo, commodore of
Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, and Grant Dalton, who has sailed around the world seven times
winning two races, will draw the conclusions of the initiatives and projects implemented by the
Italian Sailing Federation and Italian sailing in general, focussing in particular on great ocean

The meeting will end with the presentation of the book “Diario di bordo di Telefonica Blu”
(Onboard Telefonica Blue – Journal), written by Gabriele Olivo, media man onboard Telefonica
Blu and the only Italian participant at the 2008-2009 Volvo Ocean Race.
Conferences and side events
Beside the General Assembly of the Boating Industry – which will be held on 3 October -,
UCINA has organised a series of round tables devoted to specific themes in the new
mezzanine hall of Pavilion B.
Here are the subjects that will be discussed during the Show’s institutional conferences: The
boating sector reshapes the geographic features of “Made in Italy” (Monday, 5 October);
Pleasure Boating and Customs and When the sea washes schools: from playing to
building a career (Tuesday, 6 October); A common boating policy for the Mediterranean
basin (Wednesday, 7 October); The Boating Sector runs towards the Environment
(Thursday, 8 October); and Nautical tourism as a driving force for coastal areas: from
marinas to inland areas (Friday 9 October). 
The institutional events promoted by UCINA will also include the presentation of “La Nautica in
Cifre – edizione 2009″ (The Boating Sector in figures – 2009 Edition), on Monday 5
October at the opening of the conference devoted to the boating industry. At 3.00 pm at the Press
Centre, presentation of the monograph written in cooperation with Bocconi SDA “La nautica
italiana. Modelli di business e Fattori di competitività” (The Italian boating industry.
Business models and competitiveness factors). 
To its more-than-aware public and to professional operators (who in 2008 accounted for 17%
among Italian visitors and 42% among foreigners), Genoa International Boat Show will offer
TechTrade, the section devoted to components and accessories for pleasure boating. Monday, 5
and Tuesday, 6 October will be the b2b preferential days.
This year too, Genoa International Boat Show will give the public a real chance to experience
sailing first hand, thanks to a special basin for trying out small centre-board boats, set up in the
Piazza delle Feste in the Old Port, which for the occasion will turn into the “Navigar m’è dolce”
village – a reference location for all those wishing to discover the world of boats and the sea,
including several teaching events aimed at presenting boats, training initiatives, regulations, and
the general scenario.
At the fairground, the Sea Theatre will host a rich calendar of side events, giving the public the
opportunity to discover boating and the sea. Conferences, meetings, and sporting events will be
held in the Mondinvela area, with a rich calendar including initiatives devoted to a wide range of
subjects: nautical publications, sailing, meteorology, social commitment, environmental
protection and marine fauna, safety at sea.
Traditional events at Genoa International Boat Show will include the 11th Nautical Marathon
organised by UCINA, Circolo Nautico Mandraccio and Yacht Club Città di Genova, and
the 31st International Optimist Meeting – 13th Trophy Umberto Pitti, whose prize-giving
ceremonies will be held on Sunday, 11th October.
The website and on-line tickets
The Boat Show’s website has been further enhanced this year in the services area, enabling
exhibitors to access a dedicated area for the management of all necessary procedures, and
in the information area, with an in-progress page allowing to buy tickets on-line, book visits in
individual stands, consult the Show’s catalogue, and find useful information on accommodation
and initiatives in town, previews on new models on display at the Show, and the Show’s catalogue.
Thanks to the print-at-home mode, everyone is now able to easily purchase International Boat
Show tickets online. Indeed, tickets bought on the website and can be printed on standard paper from home: the bar code will be equivalent to
a ticket and therefore grant admission to the Show.
TV coverage

This year too the International Boat Show will enjoy an extensive TV coverage. This morning there
was a first live connection with Buongiorno Regione, a programme of Liguria News TGR;
tomorrow, from 11.45 am to 12.30 pm, live broadcasting on the national channels Raitre and
Raisport Più. At 2.30 pm, Live broadcasting of TV programme Lineablu on Raiuno. Every
day, besides reportages on the leading national news programmes and the 2.00 pm regional news
(TGR Liguria), Telenord and Yacht & Sail Channel will also devote special programmes to all
new products and major events at the Show. To conclude, one unusual piece of news: next week,
for a few hours, Genoa International Boat Show will turn into the set of a German TV production.
Among the numerous sponsors of Genoa 49th International Boat Show, the four main ones will be
Rolex (the “official watch” of this year’s Show), Allianz, Audi, and Banca Carige.
Opening hours, entrances, parking in town, and boat services
The Show will be open from 3 to 11 October from 10.00 am to 6.30 pm. The entrance ticket
will cost 15 Euros. Reduced ticket: 12 euros, for groups of at least 30 people, children between 6
and 10 years, members of the armed forces, disabled people having a more than 66% disability.
Free entrance for children up to 5 years. There will be three accessways to the Show: from
the Eastern Gate in Piazzale Kennedy; on the western side through the Ship Repair area
(Riparazioni Navali); and from the quay reserved to ferry boats transporting passengers from the
Old port, Pegli, and any other parking areas located in the port. Dogs, on the leash and muzzled,
will be admitted to the Show.
The AMT bus service will be further strengthened throughout the Show, with two special
lines connecting the fairground and the two main railway stations, Genova Principe and Genova
Brignole. During week-ends, a third special line will connect the Show to the Corso Italia (seafront)
parking area up the Lido bathing establishment.
Besides the standard 90-minute ticket valid on the entire urban network and on Trenitalia urban
railway lines, visitors will have several types of 24-hour bus tickets to choose from. Moreover, a
special ticket will be on sale, allowing to travel both in Milan, on the urban ATM bus network, and
in Genoa, on urban AMT bus lines. The ticket, which is valid for 24 hours, may be purchased only
in Milan, where it will have to be stamped for the first time, and only during the days of the Boat
More than six thousand parking spots will be available for the visitors of Genoa 49th
International Boat Show, and will be highlighted by ad-hoc colour signs. An additional 400 parking
spots can also be found this year at Ponte Colombo, near the port, connected to the Show by ferry
Moreover, for the very first time, Genoa will offer Boat Show visitors the bike sharing service
Mobike , allowing to use power assisted pedal bikes along the city roads. Info: www.bicincittà.com
All real time information on traffic can be found on Genoa Municipality’s website and through the related link on the Show’s website
As for transport by sea, ferry boats will leave from the Old Port, Ponte Colombo, the marina in
Genoa Airport in Sestri Ponente, and from Pegli. Info: Consorzio Liguria Via Mare tel. +39
The “Welcoming Project” and the Info Points at the Show
Shuttle buses from the airport, railway stations, parking areas, and the main hotels in town
(including 3-star hotels), an information kit for all Show visitors, and a large Information stand
inside the Show will be the core elements of the new, enhanced 2009 “Welcoming Project”
organised by Fiera di Genova and UCINA in cooperation with the City Promotion Board (including
Genoa Municipality, Genoa Province, Genoa Chamber of Commerce, Genoa Port Authority) and the
Liguria Region. 

The project includes a series of services aimed at making the visitors’ stay in town more
enjoyable, and will also include a bus line connecting the Boat Show to the city centre, devoted
to shopping & a tour of the city, and a shuttle service to and from the main three, four, and five-
start hotels in town, Genova Brignole and Genova Brignole railway stations, the airport, and hotels
along the two Rivieras, from Arenzano to Sestri Levante. The improvement in accommodation
services in Genoa for this year’s Boat Show results also from specific agreements promoted by
Genoa Chamber of Commerce, like the one signed with the restaurants members of Fepag-Ascom
and Fiepet-Confesercenti, which will offer Boat Show exhibitors and fitters a 10% discount on their
“Menù Qualità-Territorio”. The list of participating restaurants will be published on the website
To make visiting the show easier for the public, ten dedicated information desks will be located in
key areas – six outdoor and four in the pavilions.
Moving freely around the fairground
For those who have difficulties in walking, this year too Fiera di Genova – in cooperation with
Terre di Mare (Genoa Provincial centre for accessibility and tourism for the disabled) and with the
technical-operating support of the social cooperative La Cruna – will set up a dedicated ticket
counter in Piazzale Kennedy as well as a welcoming service making available four-wheel
electrical scooters and wheelchairs to ensure everyone can visit the Show freely. An ad-hoc map
showing the recommended routes will be distributed, while an on-demand shuttle service will
connect nearby parking areas to the Show. Reservations and information: +39 339.1309249 – +39
010.542098 –