Help on the way for Marine Rescue

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Minister for Ports and Waterways Joe Tripodi wants to help volunteers improve boating safety and their emergency rescue response.

A new report considers the establishment of a single Volunteer Marine Rescue Organisation in NSW – the NSW Marine Rescue.  This new organisation would integrate the three exisiting volunteer groups of The Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol, Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association and the Volunteer Rescue Association.NSW Volunteer Rescue AssociationRoyal Volunteer Coastal PatrolAustralian Volunteer Coast Guard

The proposal would bring together the expertise and immense pool of skills of the volunteers of the three different rescue groups into a single, unified marine rescue organisation.

“In addition to ongoing annual funding of $1.35 million, NSW Maritime will provide an extra $3 million in 2009-2010 if a new integrated service emerges from the report, consultation and industry talks.”

This is a great leap forward for marine rescue in NSW and it will bring a new era of marine safety to Australia’s busiest boating state.

The big winners in this will be the boating community; the men, woman and children who enjoy our
magnificent waterways in many different ways – from an economical tinnie on a local river to the modern, luxury cruising vessel or racing yacht travelling along the Australian coast.

The Government is calling for comments in response to the report from all the volunteers, members of the boating community, as well as interested members of the public.

Comments on the proposal will be received until 1st September.  Have your say now!