Issues sought for review of marine safety equipment standard

Home»Boating News»Issues sought for review of marine safety equipment standard

The National Marine Safety Committee (NMSC) is preparing to review the National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV) Part C, Subsection 7A – Safety Equipment.

This standard hasn’t been updated since 2004 and there have been several developments in the area of marine safety equipment since that time.

NMSC’s Acting CEO John Henry said that the review is already taking into account:

•    the referencing of other relevant standards – eg, lifejackets and life rafts, and
•    clarification of text in some sections – eg, requirements for medical supplies.

“Before we start the review, it would be invaluable to have stakeholders’ ideas on any other issues which should be considered,” Mr Henry said.

“The industry operators have been out there applying the standard for a few years and I’m sure that some have encountered areas that could be clarified or revised”.

Have Your Say

The process for feedback is informal – simply send a brief email with the issues or areas of reference to Project Manager Terry Ehret:  by Friday 30 January 2008.

To discuss the review generally, please phone Terry on [02] 9247 2124.

The current standard NSCV C7A (Edition2) can be found on website:, Click on ‘Publications/ National Standards/National Standard for Commercial Vessels.

The NMSC aims to achieve nationally uniform marine safety practices and is made up of the CEOs of Australia’s marine safety agencies.