Marinas of the future will be different

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Marinas of the Future will be Different  

Changing technology, environmental pressures and increasing consumer demands will be some of the big drivers to impact on marinas into the future. These and other factors will be discussed in depth at the International Marinas 2009 Conference and Exhibition being held on the Gold Coast 24 – 27 May.

According to one of the conference environmental session presenters Dr Hugh Lavery “marina planning in future will take more account of sources of regional environmental impacts that eventually move downstream in the catchment and become evident to the public in marina landscapes and waterways. Such social responsibilities are being better accounted for as marinas devise modern new reporting techniques”. Dr Lavery will outline to delegates the community, environmental and economic benefits of the reporting techniques being used by the Port of Airlie, Meridien Marina in Queensland.         

Marinas 2009 Committee Chairperson Mike Harvey believes it is critical industry and government understand where change in the marina industry is coming from and what are the drivers of these changes. “Growing pressure on land as a resource, on the environment and pressures on boat and marina users will drive significant change in the marina landscape” he said.

Future trends in the storage of boats are also under the microscope during Marinas 2009. Mike Wiggins, representing one of the world’s largest providers of boat dry storage equipment will outline at Marinas 2009 what he believes is the new future in boat storage. ”Industry needs to understand that the forces for increased boat dry storage will escalate rapidly over the next 10 years. With this increase will come the need to safely and efficiently store boats in a way that does not harm our environment. It is essential that industry and government legislators and planners understand this. If we fail to plan and invest in dry land storage the demand for boats will lessen and the economic and employment benefits of the recreational boating industry will suffer”.

Changes with boats into the future and the implications for marina design and operations will be another session of importance for marina operators and industry providers. Mike Harvey believes it is essential anyone serious about the marina industries attends Marinas 2009. “Conference attendees will have a jump start on the rest of the industry in understanding and planning for the changes that confront the marina industries” he said.

For a full conference program and registration details see