Marine marketing support critical in difficult global times

Home»Boating News»Marine marketing support critical in difficult global times


Australia’s International Marine Export Group (AIMEX) believes difficult global times bring even more importance for marketing support from the peak industry group.

AIMEX Chief Executive said that the group had received several inquiries from international companies seeking to confirm the credentials and membership of Australian marine businesses.

“In uncertain economic times, companies want to be sure they are doing business with credible, professional manufacturers and service providers,” said Ms Edwards.

“We have also seen an increase in inquiry from Australian marine companies looking to join AIMEX. They see the value in joining with reduced industry promotional costs and the benefits of a combined international profile for the Australian industry,” said Ms Edwards.

AIMEX is a peak industry group representing more than 100 marine companies encompassing manufacturing, marina construction, marine services, fittings and electronics.

Next month, close to 30 members head to METS Amsterdam, the world’s largest marine equipment show attracting visitors from 100 countries.

AIMEX member and attendee MultiPanel received news this month of its nomination as a finalist in the prestigious DAME awards (Design Awards METS).

MultiPanel CEO Tony Russo said the company was delighted with its nomination. “We appreciate the valued recognition of the judging panel for the exceptional work of our design and engineering teams,” said Mr Russo.

“This result underscores MultiPanel’s ongoing commitment to providing first-class products especially suited to marine applications.”

AIMEX is currently publishing the 2009 Marine Export Industry Directory, which promotes and profiles key Australian manufacturers.  

“This annual publication is important as AIMEX members can profile their brands to ensure they remain top of mind for buyers and marine businesses globally,” said Ms Edwards.

METS is just one Show attended by AIMEX in its calendar of international promotions. The group is embarking on trade missions or attending shows in Spain, Taiwan, Russia, United Arab Emirates and China in coming months