MC38 Australian Championship Fast and Fun

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An amazing weekend was had by all of the MC38 Fleet out on Pittwater in the Sevenstar International MC38 One Design Championship, John Bacon and his crew on Dark Star, battled it out over the seven races to take home the inaugural Championship Title.

Five MC38s took to the starting line on Saturday morning, for some exceptional racing on Pittwater. John Bacon’s “Dark Star” took the first race, but saw exactly how quickly the tables could turn in the close racing when Leslie Green steered his crew on “Ginger” to take 1st in the second race.

After three windward/leeward races and a short passage race on Day One, “Dark Star” had the lead over Ross Hennessey and his crew on “Ghost Rider” by 4 points, and only 8 points separated the 1st and 5th place. _“We were the overnight leaders, with 4 points clear” _said John Bacon _“we knew that if we came last in the first race on Sunday and Ghost Rider came 1st the regatta would be wide open, and in a self fulfilling prophecy that is exactly what happened. Spinnaker handling is key, we made a mistake and we came last, that’s what this racing is all about”

Sunday saw more very close racing between the fleet of MC38s with all boats applying the pressure, “Vino”, “Ghost Rider” and “Ginger” all taking a 1st place during the day. “_We had a solid finish in the second race over Ghost Rider_” said John Bacon “_the last race everyone was pushing hard, Ghost Rider and Vino had the pressure on, they sailed a brilliant race – thanks to Ross for putting it to us_”

The Howard Spencer and his Kiwi team “Menace” enjoyed themselves, having only sailed the MC38 once before, they had a great time and can’t wait for the next event.

It was a testament to everyone who sailed on the weekend; it was very close sailing, all putting a brilliant show for the spectators that came to watch.

In John Bacon’s acceptance speech he thanked everyone for coming out and competing, McConaghy Boats, the Sponsors, Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club and his crew including Cameron Miles who left straight after the presentation for the birth of his third child.

It was an incredible sight to see the five boats blasting around. “_It is exactly what we dreamed of for the MC38s_” commented Jono Morris Managing Director of McConaghy Boats, “_Everyone had such a great time on and off the water and we are very pleased to see such a strong fleet and close racing. We had such a range of people competing in the event and everyone came away with a smile on their face, congratulations to everyone who competed, it was such a thrill to watch. The RPAYC did a great job in organising the racing”

The MC38 Class is working on the calendar for the next 12 months and expects to see the next race in March next year.