McConaghy Boats steal the show across the globe

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McConaghy Boats dominated the recent Annapolis Big Boat Fall Regatta and the Sydney Short Ocean Racing Championship held last weekend

In Annapolis USA last month after three days of racing in conditions that varied from flat calm to over 20 knots, Steve and Heidi Benjamin’s McConaghy Carkeek HPR40 Spookie and Marc Glimcher’s McConaghy Ker 40 Catapult won the Annapolis Big Boat Fall Regatta in the HPR and IRC classes, respectively.

And closer to home, Tony Kirby has sailed his brand new McConaghy Ker 46, Patrice, to victory, stealing the show from Darryl Hodgkinson’s Victoire for a second time in the Sydney Short Ocean Racing Championship (SSORC) hosted by Middle Harbour Yacht Club.

Tony Kirby was ecstatic with his new yacht’s performance and his first regatta win. “Coming into the SSORC, we had only done the Cabbage Tree Island Race, so we’re really excited to win our first race (today) and the regatta”

It was very light in the second race (a two lap windward/leeward course), and swinging 20-30 degrees. If Patrice was going to have a weak point, I thought light air would be it, but no, she handled it so well. I’m so happy with the boat and feeling confident with the Southern Cross Cup and Hobart coming up.”

Tony and his crew have been refining and tweaking his new boat with the assistance and support of the McConaghy Boats Sydney team over the last 6 weeks.

Elsewhere preparations are in full swing with the start of the Rolex Sydney Hobart race just 3 weeks away today, and the all important SOLAS Big Boat Challenge on Tuesday. Wild Oats XI has had her new mast re stepped today following major repairs. With a new lightweight mast, new sails and a new horizontal lift generating board that was installed by McConaghy boats earlier this year Wild Oats XI should be performing better than ever.

The biggest threat to Wild Oats dominance of the Rolex classic will potentially come from Anthony Bell’s Perpetual LOYAL. McConaghy Boats Sydney team have been working overtime assisting the crew of LOYAL, and the 30m maxi Wild Thing with some last minute modifications and optimisation just prior to the Hobart race as the dead line looms.

McConaghy Boats to watch competing in this years Rolex Sydney Hobart race include:

• Patrice, Ker 46, launched 2013

• Kerumba, Ker 50 C/R, launched 2012

• AFR Midnight Rambler, Ker 40, launched 2011

• Wedgetail, Reichel Pugh 55, launched 2006

• Wild Oats XI, Reichel Pugh 30m, launched 2005

• Wild Rose, Farr 43, launched 1985

• Helsal 3, Adams / Barrett 20m, launched 1984