Mercury appoints new sales manager for MerCruiser Government and Commercial – Qld

Home»Boating News»Mercury appoints new sales manager for MerCruiser Government and Commercial – Qld



Due to the retirement of long standing Mercury employee Tony Smith at the end of October, Dallas Hersey has been appointed as Sales Manager for MerCruiser, Government and Commercial, in Queensland.

“Dallas has a tremendous mix of skills which we believe will hold us in great stead,” said John Temple, Mercury Marine’s General Manager, Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific (ANZP).

“I welcome him aboard and have no doubt he’s going to be an asset to the organisation.”

A key feature of the role is that Dallas won’t be confining his efforts to only MerCruiser and Mercury diesel engines; rather he’ll be also focussing specifically on our important government and commercial markets for all products.

Dallas has come to Mercury having spent the past 12 years with the Royal Australian Navy, during which he held a number of supervisory and engineering roles involving propulsion systems, fleet pneumatics and marine systems.

He’s also a qualified Marine Engineer.

“I have a technical background so I can talk in detail about these great engines, but as well I spent my last two years in the Navy in recruitment so I think I have developed a lot of skills in being able to talk to people and built those personal relationships which are fundamental to this kind of job,” Dallas said.

Dallas also has a long history of recreational boating.

“I’ve been in boats since I was a young fella, and we always seemed to have a Mercury on the back,” he said.

“I’ve got a 4.5 metre Bluefin at the moment with a 40hp Mariner on it, so joining Mercury Marine feels like a perfect fit.”