Multi million dollar Port Centre proposed in Newcastle

Home»Boating News»Multi million dollar Port Centre proposed in Newcastle

Plans lodged for Pilot Station development

Newcastle Port Corporation has lodged plans with the NSW Heritage Council for a multi-million dollar redevelopment of its Pilot Station, Ports and Waterways Minister Joe Tripodi announced today.
The project, known as Port Centre, will involve the construction of a three-storey building on the site near the harbour entrance to provide new facilities for the Corporation’s operational activities.
“The Pilot Station building currently houses the Vessel Traffic Information Centre, Marine Pilots office and Port Services offices among other facilities and these will be retained in the new structure,” Mr Tripodi said.
“The proposed building will be constructed on the eastern side of the site adjacent to the TS Tobruk Naval Cadet Centre and the plan is to have it blend in with that structure.
“The end result will be a modern, operational centre that is appropriate for a port growing at the rate of Newcastle.”
The Port of Newcastle is registering nearly 3,300 ship movements a year.  This number is expected to grow with increased coal exports and the development of port related industry on the former BHP Steelworks site at Mayfield.  
Mr Tripodi said the construction program was designed to allow work on the new facility while normal operations continued in the existing two-storey building. Another building used for storage of equipment will be demolished to
make way for the Port Centre.
“The current operational building has an antiquated layout and is not conducive to modern maritime operations,” Mr Tripodi said.
Newcastle Port Corporation plans to start construction mid 2009 subject to approval processes. An application has been lodged with the NSW Heritage Council as the Pilot Station site is in a heritage precinct.