New volunteer marine rescue group goes on-line

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New volunteer marine rescue group goes on-line
Preparations for the State’s new volunteer marine rescue organisation, Marine Rescue NSW, are well underway with the launch today of the group’s website.
Ports and Waterways Minister Joe Tripodi said the new site will enable the volunteer rescue community to monitor related news and information and register interest in joining the new group.
The proposal to form the new organisation received broad support from the membership of the existing volunteer marine rescue groups — the Volunteer Rescue Association, the Marine Branch of the Australian Volunteer Coastguard and the Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol.
“Ninety three per cent of nearly 800 submissions came out in support of the new organisation which was the main recommendation of the Price Report into volunteer marine rescue services in NSW,” Mr Tripodi said.
“A new unified organisation will eliminate duplication and provide more consistent coverage of marine rescue across the State.
“There will be many other advantages such as training, standardised vessels and a re-engineered radio network.”
Mr Tripodi said the Hon Diane Beamer is chairing a working group which was established to set up the necessary framework for the new organisation.
“The activation of this website is just one example of the progress being made to realise the introduction of Marine Rescue NSW which will provide a valuable service to the boating community of this State.”
Mr Tripodi said the Price Report and the Government’s response can be found at the website, along with past media releases and details of proposed new livery.
To assist in the establishment of the new organisation, NSW Maritime will provide $3 million in transitional funding. This is in addition to around $1.4 million in ongoing annual funding.
The new website can be found at