North Coast floodwaters a warning to boaters

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North Coast floodwaters: warning to boaters
Boaters are being warned to take extra care when navigating North Coast waterways following recent floods and extreme weather.

NSW Maritime North Coast Regional Manager Jim Green said that last week’s floods had resulted in a number of additional hazards for boaters.
“There are many new potential navigation hazards for boaters who venture out on any of the North Coast waterways,” Mr Green said.
“Some creeks, rivers, estuaries and beaches are still recovering from the impact of last week’s flood and some areas may still be unsafe for swimming or other aquatic activities.

“Boaters are urged to follow the directions on any advisory signs near waterways and should avoid swimming or water-skiing if there are signs of pollution such as discoloured water, oil or scum on the water, and litter or other debris floating in the water or on the tide line.
“If you have to go boating, be aware that sand bars and navigation markers may have moved since you were last out, and that there is likely to be a lot more debris in the water.
“NSW Maritime has been working hard to replace navigation markers. However, due to the sheer volume of markers which have moved, this work will not be complete until after the Easter break.”
Mr Green said debris washing into our waterways can also create new hazards that are not marked. Some of this debris could be lying semi-submerged or completely submerged and unmarked.
Reports of missing or out of place navigation markers, or navigation hazards, should be made to NSW Maritime on 13 12 56.
“Skippers are reminded that it is their responsibility to navigate safely, which will mean slowing down for the changed conditions in order to maintain a proper lookout at all times,” Mr Green said.