NSW maritime alert for gale-force winds and damaging storms

Home»Boating News»NSW maritime alert for gale-force winds and damaging storms

Skippers are urged to act responsibily and not take risks.  Sever damaging storms are forecast later today and overnight with gale-force winds.

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a weather warning for much of the NSW coast for today and tomorrow.

Strong gale-force winds are expected to impact on much of the coastline overnight with winds forecast to reach 40 knots in some areas.

Seas are also forecast to rise – up to 4m off Sydney and the Hunter.

NSW Maritime advises boaters should stay off the water whereever possible and avoid going offshore unless absolutely necessary.

Extreme care and caution must be taken and boat owners should check their moorings are secure.

NSW Maritime reminds skippers of their responsibilities to have a lifejacket to hand for each passenger, put them on if weather conditions get worse whilst on the water, and only drive your boat at a safe speed for the conditions.

If you are on the water make sure someone knows where you are going and when you will be back.