NSW Maritime completes safe navigation entrance to Coffs Harbour

Home»Boating News»NSW Maritime completes safe navigation entrance to Coffs Harbour

$24K navigation leads upgrade for Coffs Harbour

NSW Maritime has completed a $24,000 upgrade of the safe navigation entrance leads to Coffs Harbour.

NSW North Coast regional manager Jim Green said the leads were a traditional navigation aid that skippers used to guide their vessels safely in and out of harbours.

“By aligning the leads it helps to identify the safe channel from a distance,” Mr Green said. “These new leads use an improved LED light and solar power.

“Skippers will find the leads have lights that are brighter and easier to read, and that should improve safety.”
NSW Maritime spends more than $1 million each year on maintaining a statewide system of navigation markers and signage, which are the waterways equivalent of road safety signage.

Any person who notices damaged or missing navigation aids should report it through the NSW Maritime Info Line on 13 12 56 during business hours, seven days a week.