Oil-Spill Training Exercise for Lord Howe Island

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Oil-Spill Training Exercise for Lord Howe Island

NSW Maritime will conduct an oil-spill response exercise at Lord Howe Island on 22-23 July 2009, the organisation’s Deputy Chief Executive Tony Middleton said today.
Mr Middleton said the two-day event would involve refresher training for people on the island and the deployment of local spill response equipment.

“The aim is to ensure the oil-spill equipment is in good condition, that local personnel are ready to respond when needed and to test the local contingency plan,” Mr Middleton said.
“About 15 local personnel from the Island Board, NSW Government agencies and local community are expected take part in the training and exercise.”
NSW Maritime’s Manager Shipping and Pollution Response, Shayne Wilde, in conjunction with the Lord Howe Island Board will run the event.
“Outcomes of the exercise will be used to update the local contingency plan arrangements and identify any equipment related issues or requirements,” Mr Wilde said.
“NSW Maritime has combat agency responsibility from Port Stephens north to the Queensland border, and that includes Lord Howe Island.”
Such exercises form part of NSW’s responsibilities under the National Plan to Combat Pollution of the Sea by Oil and Other Noxious and Hazardous Substances (National Plan).

NSW Maritime manages the National Plan arrangements in NSW for the State combat agencies.

Lord Howe Island is World Heritage listed. It is located 350 nautical miles off the NSW coast east of Port Macquarie and comes under NSW administration.

Major shipping and vessel traffic visiting the island includes the supply vessel which operates from the Port of Yamba, visiting yachts and local tourist and recreational vessels.