Operation Don’t Make Waves results

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Operation Don’t Make Waves results

Fifty-one skippers are counting the cost following NSW Maritime’s state-wide operation targeting boat wash.  

Boating safety officers checked more than 700 vessels during the state-wide Don’t Make Waves safety campaign conducted over the weekend of 21-22 February.

NSW Maritime general manager of Recreational Boating Brett Moore said that boat wash can be extremely dangerous.

“Our Don’t Make Waves campaign was conducted to ensure the boating public understood the issue of wash and how to minimise its impact on other boaters and the environment,” Mr Moore said.

“While the number of fines represents less than 7 per cent non-compliance, this is too high a figure and we’ll be increasing our efforts in both education and enforcement.”

In total, 746 vessels were checked, with 51 fines issued and 37 formal warnings given.

South Coast boaters were the most considerate and Sydney Harbour and Murray River boaters topped the league table as the most inconsiderate:

•    South Coast – 9 formal warnings
•    Hawkesbury – 3 fines and 1 formal warning
•    North Coast –  5 fines and 9 formal warnings
•    Hunter – 9 fines and 1 formal warning
•    Sydney Harbour – 14 fines and 5 formal warnings
•    Murray River – 20 fines and 12 formal warnings.

“I congratulate South Coast boaters for their care and consideration of others and their knowledge of boating regulations,” Mr Moore said

“When you see a no wash sign with a speed limit sign, you can’t assume you can travel at the maximum speed indicated, your speed is dictated by the type of boat and the amount of wash you create – it’s often necessary to travel at a slower speed to ensure your boat is not creating wash.

“Look behind – if your boat’s creating wash, slow down.”