Powerboat icons take a break from the World Series

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Trask Brothers Racing Announcement UIM F1 World Series 2009

Australian based Formula 1 powerboat drivers Bob and David Trask have announced that they will not be contesting the 2009 UIM F1 World Series.

Having competed unabated in the UIM F1 series every year since 2003, the Trask team has been something of an iconic team in the pits and on the circuit.

“We have decided to take a breather for the 2009 UIM F1 series,” Bob Trask announced.  “Campaigning on the world circuit from our Brisbane race HQ requires a huge commitment, not just in financial resources and logistics, but also man-power.”

“Having raced at the world level since 2003, we decided that 2009 would be a good year to take a break.  We are by no means retiring as we will be back with a full Trask Brothers Racing commitment in 2010.”

Dave Trask who finished in sixth position on the Driver’s Pointscore for the 2008 UIM F1 World Championship, was looking to go all the way in 2009.

“We improved in all areas in 2008 and were looking at going all the way to number 1 in 2009,” David Trask said.  “But we decided that 2009 is a goodyear to consolidate our business interests, re-group as a team and then return to the World circuit stronger than ever in 2010.”

However the Trask Brothers influence will still be present in the form of Russian Stanislav Kourtsenovki.   He has chartered the TBR team and will compete with Julius Leysen for 2009.

TBR will remain active on the Australian F1 powerboat racing scene.  The team will contest selected events to ensure that they remain sharp and continue to develop their race set up.

The first round of the 2009 UIM F1 World Championship is to be contested in Portugal on April 4th & 5th 2009.   The Australian F1 Superboat series dates have yet to be announced.

For further information contact;

Bob Trask
Managing Director
GTR Race Boats

Ph:      (07) 3382 0200
Fax:       (07) 3284 1200

Email: bobtraskformula1racing@hotmail.com
Web: www.bobtraskf1.com www.tbrf1boats.com