Premier Marine release the world’s only hybrid speed boat at Sydney Boat Show

Home»Boating News»Premier Marine release the world’s only hybrid speed boat at Sydney Boat Show


A common saying from the top 3% of income earners in Sydney is that “you haven’t truly made it until you have a harbour-front house coupled with a luxury boat on your own private jetty”, says Steve Hannes, dealer for Frauscher, Chris Craft, BAIA and Regal Boats.

The most common questions asked of Premier Marine, second to the price, are often environmentally based, including fuel consumption, the effects of anti-foul, (the paint placed on the hull to prevent growth) and the benefits of diesel over petrol engines.

Premier Marine has listened to this feedback and has now been given the green light to release the world’s only hybrid speed boat, set to make its official launch at the upcoming Sydney International Boat Show in July.

Frauscher has teamed alongside Steyr, an Austrian engine manufacturer, to produce the world’s first hybrid speedboat that is both friendly to the environment and the owner as it promises the same performance, thrills and excitement of a petrol powered boat.

It is true electric boats have been around for many years, but these have operated within a limited capacity of speed, usually with a maximum of only 5 knots.

The system works much like a hybrid car, where 2 sources of power are used to move the car between electric and diesel. This allows for the combustion engine to be started with an electric motor, so there’s no need for a conventional starter motor.

The Frauscher Hybrid can drive with a “zero emission” on the electric engine and with a turn of the key, the boat switches to diesel mode that can accelerate to speeds of more than 38knots!

Affectionately termed the “Gentlemen’s Racer’, the Frauscher design is a contemporary version of a 1930’s pleasure-boat, which has seen Frauscher win ‘Best European Power Boat’ for 3 years running.

Steve Hannes, the Dealer Principal, says he scouted Frauscher “as it’s a brilliant option for my clients to embrace the luxury boating lifestyle whilst allowing them to stay true to their green roots.”

Premier Marine also packages their boats with the award winning Seapen option, which is a floating dock system that allows the boat to live on a pen and in the water, but without needing any anti-foul placed on the hull.

Premier Marine is the Australia-wide importer and distributor for Frauscher and is based at the exclusive Rose Bay Marina in Sydney.