R Marine Perth wore their hearts on their sleeve at the Sanctuary Cove Boat Show

Home»Boating News»R Marine Perth wore their hearts on their sleeve at the Sanctuary Cove Boat Show

The rain wasn’t enough to dampen the spirits of some 40 West Australian Riviera enthusiasts who wore their hearts on their sleeve at the 2011 Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show.

The guests from Perth all wore flashing red hearts in support of the children’s charity, Variety WA, in which they strongly support every year at the annual R Marine Perth Variety Splash and it was also nicely linked with the I Luv Riv theme so strongly represented at the show.

R Marine Perth dealer principal Brendon Grieve said it was a real honour to see so many people from Perth at the show having made the 4000 plus kilometre journey from Perth to the Gold Coast especially to be a part of Riviera’s festivities.

“To have so many people make this considerable trip from Perth to the Gold Coast was a real buzz for my team and I and it shows the level of support we have back home from the Riviera family,” Brendon said. “The Sanctuary Cove and Sydney International Boat Shows are the only way our customers can get to see the whole range of models in one location at one time and that is an awesome experience. 

“Another highlight for us was being able to take our clients on a tour of the Riviera factory at Coomera, but the biggest benefit from my point of view was the opportunity for our customers to meet in person the team that design and build our beautiful range of boats.

”R Marine Perth and their guests enjoyed Riviera’s hospitality at the VIP launch party celebrating Riviera’s new 53 and 61 Enclosed Flybridges and commemorating Riviera’s 30th anniversary.“We thoroughly enjoyed the evening and the entertainment by the tribute performers Dame Edna Everage and Michael Jackson really topped off a fantastic night,” Brendon said.

“Immediately after the four day show, about eight of Perth’s Riviera owners and potential buyers went on a sea trial of the new 53 Enclosed Flybridge, which is proving to be an extremely popular model and sales figures of some 14 boats are testament to how well it has been received by the boating market.”