Comment sought on red tape cut for commercial waterski operations
NSW Maritime is seeking public and industry submissions on a proposal to modify the licensing requirements for commercial waterski and aquaplane vessels.
NSW Maritime General Manager Commercial Vessels Howard Glenn said NSW Maritime is proposing that driver licensing requirements for the operators of commercial waterski and aquaplane drivers be brought into line with the requirements for small commercial vessels.
“Small commercial vessel owners are required to hold either a valid general boat or personal watercraft licence while commercial waterski and aquaplane drivers are required to be the holders of the more onerous minimum restricted certificate of competency,” Mr Glenn said.
“As both classes of licence mainly operate in sheltered waters and the vessel sizes are similar, we are proposing that the same class of licence apply, with the proviso that commercial waterski and aquaplane drivers must also hold a valid first aid certificate.”
Mr Glenn said it was expected the revised guidelines would be welcomed by commercial vessel owners.
“This proposed change represents a significant decrease in red tape, which also would make it easier for new entrants to the industry to gain the necessary qualifications and experience,” Mr Glenn said.
“The revised guidelines have been published on NSW Maritime’s website and sent out to stakeholders such as industry associations, waterski and wakeboarding clubs and known commercial operators for a four-week public comment period which closes on 25 May.
“If the public and industry submissions support the revised guidelines, it is expected they will take effect from 1 July 2009.”
To lodge a submission on the revised Guidelines for the Granting of Exemptions to Operators of Commercial Waterski and Aquaplane Vessels, go to