Rib Force Inflatables Profile

Home»Boating News»Boat Interviews»Rib Force Inflatables Profile

By Ben Gaze

Marine Business Profile

Name: Mike Orsmond

Company: RIB Force Inflatables

Job Title :Director

(1)  How, where and when did the Marine industry find you or Why did you choose a career in in the marine Industry?

I worked for 18 years as a solicitor. I was third generation law in a firm with a strong Maritime Law practice and was always interested in marine. I had a casual interest in this boating business from around 1994 until I made it a full time career in 2000.

(2)  What is your current role and what do you actually do? or What does your average work day involve?

It is not possible to give my current role a job description. I am involved in everything from sales to the workshop to design as well as to assist organizations involved in marine. I somehow seem to be dragged into trouble shooting a lot. All of this is good as it continuously challenges me and in the process I get educated.

(3)  What is your favourite part of the job?

Talking to people. Nice to chat about something pleasant like boats.

(4)  As a broker/dealer how can you best help people that are new to boating?

Listen to them and ask questions. See what they really need. Ensure that the proposed solution is an easy learning path into boating and will ensure maximum pleasure from boating – even if this means referring them to another broker with a more appropriate line of boats suited to the prospective client.

We have just launched our new website – www.ribforceinflatables.com and I get to write some nice articles on Inflatables including topics like Repairing your Inflatable Boat

(5)  What industry groups or networks are you a part of?

Marine Queensland , Chamber of Commerce

(6)  If you have competed in a marine related sport what are some of your achievements?

Did swimming, water polo and surf life saving on a representative level.

(7) Tell us about some of the boats/yachts you have owned (First boat?)

I have only owned RIBs. Where we lived the RIB was the safest means of boating.

(8) What is your current boat ?

A small AB Inflatable

(9) If you could have any boat, what would it be?


(10) Favourite boat or Yacht of all time


(11) Where is the best place to go boating in Australia ?

Sunshine Coast

(12) Any amusing incidents/anecdotes you have seen on the water?

A hoon on a ski boat was pestering us on the river while we were trying to fish. He did not know the river as we did. We went and put down an anchor over a rocky shelf in about two foot of water. We came up the river to look for us and decided to give us a broad swing and spray us. Unfortunately for him he hit the rocky shelf at a ton of knots and stopped dead. The transom fortunately did not fall out but the motor was buggered. He had to paddle down stream. We did laugh at his expense. 

By Ben Gaze