Riviera Syndication’s Diverse Cruising Options Spark Interest In Sydney

Home»Boating News»Riviera Syndication’s Diverse Cruising Options Spark Interest In Sydney

Riviera Syndication’s new 5800 Sport Yacht has sparked a lot of interest in Sydney after its launch at the Sydney International Boat Show in July.

Riviera Syndication managing director John Russell said the 5800 Sport Yacht would be berthed at Rushcutters Bay during Spring, Summer and Autumn and then transferred to Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays during Winter.

“This Syndicate has been really popular with Sydney-siders with six of the 10 shares already sold, two to Queenslanders and two to existing owners of our first Riviera 5000 Sport Yacht Syndicate,” Mr Russell said.

“Owners of this boat get the opportunity to travel with our skipper, Jimmy Thorn, during legs from Sydney to the Gold Coast and the Gold Coast to Hamilton Island and return, which is a tremendous experience to learn about offshore cruising and seamanship.

“It’s the absolute ultimate way to own a boat, in Sydney during the warmer months and spend time in the Whitsundays during winter each year for the three year life of the program without having to do any other work or organisation.”

Mr Russell said Riviera Syndication’s sales exceeded all expectations at last year’s Sydney International Boat Show and he anticipates another successful show this year.

“This year we plan to have a second Riviera 5000 Sport Yacht on order at the show.  Our Sydney Riviera Syndication manager, Andy Young, has already confirmed four shares in this boat and we plan to launch it at Rushcutters Bay,” Mr Russell said.

Guyon Holland who bought a share in the 5000 Sport Yacht at Ruschcutters Bay at the 2009 Sydney International Boat Show said being a shareholder in a Riviera Syndication boat had allowed them to ‘enjoy all the benefits of owning a boat without any of the hassle.

“Friends are always curious as to how it works and I use the analogy of “it’s like a cross between a hire car and a hotel room”. You arrive and everything is ready to go. Just bring your food, clothes, drinks, friends and or family and enjoy. When you come back, tidy up, take your personal belongings with you including any rubbish from your time out and lock up. It’s that simple. If you have ever considered investing into a boat, a Riviera Syndication boat is the best by far. Not only is the hassle taken out but as you are one of a number of shareholders you get into a boat far bigger than you may otherwise have done if purchasing it by yourself,” he said.

“There had been a marked increase in syndication shares this year, we have already contracted 24 shares this year valued at more than AUD$2.8 million, so I predict that our 5800 and 5000 Sport Yacht models will do extremely well at the Sydney International Boat Show,” Mr Russell said.